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Membership Renewal 2024-2025 / 5785

Adat Shalom Membership Renewal Application
2024-2025 / 5785
Thank you for your continuous and generous support as a renewing member of Adat Shalom. Your membership enables our ongoing spiritual and educational programs while strengthening our community for generations to come.

For the best user experience and to easily auto-populate your existing account information:
1. Please log in to your Adat Shalom member account
2. Type your name in the box just above that says "Enter a Name"

If you don't have a login, or forgot your password, please contact the office at (310) 475-4985, or e-mail Erin Goldstein to have your login access rest.

Family Address

Please Select Number of Adults on the Family Account
Member #1 Information
Member #2 Information

Primary Emergency Contact Information
Secondary Emergency Contact Information

Family Information

Membership Directory

We publish a Membership Directory annually for members. Please note this is for personal use only and not to be shared or used for business purposes. Please review your information so it is accurate and up to date.

If you don't want your personal contact information in the directory, and only want your name listed, please make sure to select the checkbox below.

If you don't want to be included in the directory at all please contact the office at (310)475-4985 or email the office.

Yahrzeit Information

Renewing Members: We have your loved ones yahrzeit information on file. Please provide only new yahrzeit information below.
New Members: Please provide yahrzeit information for loved ones below.

We send reminders to active members prior to your loved one's yahrzeit date. Names will be read during the morning Shabbat service prior to the yahrzeit.

Memorial Yahrzeit Board

Please check the box below if you're interested in purchasing a memorial yahzreit plaque to honor the sacred memory of your loved one, or if you would like to reserve a space on our memorial yahrzeit board. The Main Office will contact you for further information about the plaque. Cost per plaque is $700.00 and if you select the box below, $700.00 will be added to today's membership dues.


Membership Rates

Please review the tables below and choose a Member Category and decide upon a payment method to continue the membership renewal process. Membership may be paid by check or by credit card. Payment may be made in full, or in 10 monthly installments, starting July 2024.

Membership Rates 2024-2025 / 5785
Member Category Membership Facilities Fee Security Fee Total
Individual $1,680.00 $410.00 $600.00 $2,690.00
Family $2,600.00 $410.00 $600.00 $3,610.00
Senior Individual
(over 64 yrs.)
$1,240.00 $410.00 $600.00 $2,250.00
Senior Couple
(over 64 yrs.)
$2,090.00 $410.00 $600.00 $3,100.00
Associate Family*
(must show proof of affiliation with another synagogue)
$680.00 - $600.00 $1,280.00
Young Professional (under 35 yrs.) $300.00 - $450.00 $750.00
Young Family
(children under 4 yrs.)
$550.00 - $450.00 $1,000.00

*High Holiday tickets are not included with Associate Family Membership Dues.

Payment by credit card:

As of July 1, 2023, a 3% convenience fee is automatically included in all credit and debit card transactions. There is no fee with payments made by check.

For example, the credit card processing fee for an Individual Membership is $80.70, making the total dues for Individual Membership paid by credit card: $2,770.70.

Religious School 2024-2025 / 5785

We are planning for a robust Religious School Program in the coming year. A calendar of the fall schedule will be sent to Religious School families in the coming weeks.

Grades Days Per Week First Child Siblings
K – 1st 1x per week – Sunday Morning (9am – 12pm) $1,000 $900
2nd – 7th 1x per week – Sunday Morning (9am – 12pm) $1,500 $1,400
B’nei Mitzvah Fee – If your child will be reaching the age of bar/bat mitzvah in the next 3 years, please contact the office to schedule a date. $1,000
For New Members Only:
The first year of Religious School is free (first child only) with Full Membership Dues.

Religious School Families:
Please fill out the Religious School Registration Online Form or download the PDF to print and email or mail to the office.

Please calculate your Religious School tuition dues based of number of children and enter below:

Membership Rate Selection & Breakdown

Select your Member Category from the drop down menu below, and the correlating Facilities Fee and Security Fees will automatically populate.

Financial Aid

For financial aid, please contact the office: (310) 475-4985

Please Select Your Method of Payment
Please indicate date of first payment by check
Credit Card Information for Payment Plans

Credit card payment plan will be billed monthly, in 10 equal installments from July 2024 through April 2025. Credit card payment plans will be initiated the day you sign up. Please allow 1-3 business days for charges to reflect on your credit card statement. If you would like to select a specific day of the month to charge your credit card, please call the Main Office to speak with Erin Goldstein: (310) 475-4985 after you submit the form.

*If you are paying by credit card in 10 monthly installments, enter your credit card information here. Please do not enter your credit card information on the next page after you click "Submit." Please select the "Bill to My Account" option.*

Membership Commitments

I/We promise to abide by the rules and regulations of Adat Shalom. I (we) agree to pay the first year’s dues in full and thereafter such annual dues as may be fixed by the Synagogue Board of Directors, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Congregation. I (we) understand that the fiscal year for payment of all Adat Shalom accounts is July 1-June 30. I (we) have received and understand all commitments regarding the Building Fund policy and payment schedules. I (we) understand that our account must be current in order to have a life cycle event and voting privileges at Adat Shalom.

*Note: Adat Shalom By-Laws are available in the office upon request

Paying Dues after you click "Submit"

If you are paying by:
A. Check in full
B. Check in monthly installments
C. Credit card monthly installements...
On the next page, please select "Bill to My Account"

If you are paying by:
Credit card in full... on the next page, please select "" and then enter your credit card information for full payment to be processed.

Please keep the "Donate fee" selection marked. Note: credit card processing fees will be applied to all credit card transactions.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785