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Religious School Registration 2024-2025 / 5785

Adat Shalom
Religious School Overview

2024-2025 / 5785

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1. Please log in to your Adat Shalom member account
2. Type your name in the box just above that says "Enter a Name"

If you don't have a login, or forgot your password, please contact the office (310) 475-4985, or e-mail Erin Goldstein to have your login access reset.

Our Jewish Education Center offers a unique, engaging, and joyful religious school experience. Our approach is experiential and dynamic, bringing together the best of a traditional Jewish education with a program that is both relevant and forward-thinking. The Center provides a well-rounded education that strengthens our students’ Jewish identity, building character as Jewish citizens of the world. It is a place where children and their families become part of a warm and enthusiastic community, and where Torah and Judaism come alive.

Program Highlights include:
  • Foster strong connection with Israel
  • An approach to Jewish learning that emphasizes critical thinking and personal connections
  • Meaningful learning opportunities with Senior Rabbi Miriam Potok and Religious School Director Rabbi Karen Isenberg
  • Joyful Tefillah (prayer) and lively music with Cantor Dale Schatz
  • Hebrew instruction geared toward synagogue skills
  • Seamless transition to Adat Shalom’s B’nei Mitzvah track, guided personally by Rabbi Potok and Rabbi Isenberg
  • Hands-on Tikkun Olam projects that teach acts of loving kindness within the Jewish community and with our neighbors in the wider community
  • Family programming for Shabbat and Holidays throughout the year
  • Annual Shabbaton weekend for students and their families — all are expected to attend and participate in this spiritual and fun Shabbat experience!

Religious School Tuition Rates
For New Members Only: First Year of Religious School is Free (first child only) with Full Membership Dues
Grades Days Per Week First Child Siblings
K – 1st 1x per week – Sunday Morning (9am – 12pm) $1,000 $900
2nd – 7th 1x per week – Sunday Morning (9am – 12pm) $1,500 $1,400
B’nei Mitzvah Fee – If your child will be reaching the age of bar/bat mitzvah in the next 3 years, please contact the office to schedule a date. $1,000

Religious School tuition, based on Adat Shalom membership, is billed by the Main office. If you would like to arrange a payment plan or have questions regarding Adat Shalom membership dues or Religious School tuition fees, please call the Main Office at (310) 475-4985

Student Information

Parent #1 Information
Parent #2 Information

Family Information


Medical Release
I hereby grant permission to Adat Shalom to call a physician for necessary medical care or hospitalization for my child in case of emergency, after attempting to notify me first. In case of injury (If parent or physician is not available) I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of the student(s) listed above; do hereby authorize the appropriate personnel of Adat Shalom to either administer first aid that they deem necessary, or to release the child to an emergency hospital or center for further treatment. I further release Adat Shalom, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability arising out of the exercise of the permission granted herein.

Physician Information:
Dentist Information:
Medical Insurance Information:
Allergies & Medications:

Emergency Contact Information
If parents cannot be reached, please contact the following people:
If I'm unable to reach the school, you are authorized to release my children to:
The following person(s) CANNOT pick up my child:

Disaster Release Form
In the event of a major disaster or emergency, I hereby give my permission for Adat Shalom to release my child to the custody of:
Note: The above named individuals must bring official identification (ex.: driver's license) in order for your child to be released.

In the event of an earthquake, direct phone contact may not be possible. However, it may be possible to reach out-of-state contacts. Please list an out-of-state contact if you have one.

Photo/Video/Audio Policy

We are proud of our students and their participation at Adat Shalom and like to share their joy and progress with our community. Adat Shalom often photographs, videos or records students’ participation when engaged during school and community activities. These materials may be shared with the community in both printed and electronic formats. Adat Shalom upholds to produce wholesome and inspiring photos, videos and recordings that respect the children, families and community.
If you DO NOT want your child/children’s image to appear in Adat Shalom materials, please complete the rest of the form and return with your registration.

I, as a parent and guardian of the below named student(s), do not grant Adat Shalom Religious School and Adat Shalom and their representatives the right to photograph, videotape and audiotape the image, likeness and/or voice of the below named student(s) on audio, video, film, slide or electronic and printed formats (known as “Recordings”).

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785