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About Our High Holidays Services



Adat Shalom welcomes you to High Holidays 2024/5785. From Selichot and Rosh Hashanah, through Yom Kippur and Sukkot, and on through Simchat Torah, you'll find inspiring and thoughtful services and celebrations that combine the best in traditional Jewish observance with a distinctly contemporary and egalitarian approach. Whether you're a longtime member or entirely new to Adat Shalom, you'll find yourself in the midst of a warm, welcoming community, led by our inspiring clergy Rabbi Miriam Potok and Cantor Dale Schatz. 


Both members and non-members are welcome to attend. Tickets are required for entrance on Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah Days 1 and 2, Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre), and Yom Kippur. If you're already an Adat Shalom member, you will be receiving a High Holiday ticket for each qualifying family member.


If you need to purchase additional tickets for friends and family, or are a non-member looking to join us for the High Holidays, click here to order tickets. Shana Tovah from everyone in the Adat Shalom community.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785